Charles T. Low Photography

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Fog Photography

Clarity in Obscurity

St. Lawrence River dawn fog Evans Spirit freighter ship

Hello, and welcome to ctLow Photography Blog #73.

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We have had a lot of morning fog recently, which has provided me with much photographic enjoyment.

The photograph above hearkens back to the previous blog about Perception; we will all see different things in it, and it will mean different things to each of us.

For me, I simply find fog-photography captivating, and in this case, that image includes my belovèd St. Lawrence River, in my signature dawn light, and ... a freighter, Evans Spirit, about to disappear into a dense fog bank which is rolling in from the left. The ship is small in the image, barely visible by its lights, not central thematically, and yet to me — and I don't expect this of anyone else — it adds another important dimension to the scene, and falls somewhere between beauty and meaning.

Freighters pass by frequently where I live (nine months of the year), and I photograph them often, my emphasis residing with photography more than with ship-watching, but regardless, these are magnificent machines, and I never cease to experience awe.

Algoma Harvester freighter ship fog
Algoma Harvester in Fog

One of my favourite lights in which to photograph freighters is fog, around sunrise, i.e. in the Golden Hour.

Below, there is (a little bit) more to life than water.

farm field dawn fog
Farm Fields – Fog

Photographers' tech note: if much of an image is fog, a little something in sharper focus, preferably in the foreground, works well (or a big something); this of course (for those who know me) is not a rule.

Back Pond rushes fog Mac Johnson Wildlife Area Cataraqui Conservation Authority
Con Darling statue Brockville Blockhouse Island fog
Con Darling – Brockville

This iconic statue of Brockville, Ontario's own Con Darling, at Blockhouse Island, is of course oft-photographed. Quite randomly, I noted it from the back, and ... it was foggy.

It will likely mean something more to those of us who knew him.

And, below, another familiar Brockville scene, but not usually photographed this early, in the faintest hint of dawn light, and ... of course ... in fog.

Hardy Park bandshell dawn fog Brockville Ontario
Hardy Park Bandshell, Brockville – Fog

Seeing Through Fog

Quite contrary to our common preconception that a photograph should be tack-sharp (if art had any shoulds, and basically it does not), I and many others find something magical when photographing in fog.

I would love to hear from you.

Thank you all so much for reading.

Charles T. Low

Blog #73

St. Lawrence River patchy dawn fog


#ctLowPhotography – 2021-11-07 -updated: 2021-11-08